They may do it with different algorithms, but the end result is the same. No matter what anyone tells you all this softwares do the same thing with color temperature. The bellow measurements are the same for all software products. Actually Redshift can go down to 1000K, f.lux to 800K, SunsetScreen to 500K and Iris to 0K, but this is irrelevant. This is perfectly calibrated screen.ġ200K is the lowest value of f.lux, Redshift, Night Shift and Night light. I made a 10 measurements of the display from 6500K to 1200K since this is the format that is universal to all blue blocking softwares and I think is enought.Ħ500K is screen with no color changes at all. Twilight is like the Iris Overlay mode and Night mode is like the Iris Groot color scheme. The Android Twilight and Night mode use different algorithms than Color temperature. This will be helpfull for users of other software products like f.lux, Redshift, SunsetScreen, Night Shift and Night Light. Well in this article I’m going to look at exactly this with measurements.
A lot of users asked me what is the best value of Iris for blue light reduction.